Leetcode Biweekly Contest 81
Graph 題我直接當場去世。
2315. Count Asterisks
Difficulty: Easy
, Open in Leetcode
You are given a string s
, where every two consecutive vertical bars '|'
are grouped into a pair. In other words, the 1st and 2nd '|'
make a pair, the 3rd and 4th '|'
make a pair, and so forth.
Return the number of '*'
in s
, excluding the '*'
between each pair of '|'
Note that each '|'
will belong to exactly one pair.
以 |
為分隔下去 split,算出奇數 index 的 *
不知道算不算暴力。先用 split()
依照 |
分開字串,接著用 count()
計算奇數 index 中的 *
1 | class Solution: |
來看另一種解法,跑過一次的同時紀錄 |
1 | def countAsterisks(self, s: str) -> int: |