In this article, I will show you how to customize a HttpClient for PrDownloader
Create a new class called EvilHostnameVerifier
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| import import
class EvilHostnameVerifier: HostnameVerifier {
override fun verify(hostname: String?, sslString: SSLSession?): Boolean { return hostname == "" } }
Copy DefaultHttpClient
from PRDownloader library, I name it the EvilHttpClient
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| URLConnection ⎿ HttpURLConnection ⎿ HttpsURLConnection
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| public class EvilHttpClient implements HttpClient {
private URLConnection connection; private HttpsURLConnection connection;
@Override public void connect(DownloadRequest request) throws IOException { connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(request.getUrl()).openConnection(); connection.setReadTimeout(request.getReadTimeout()); connection.setConnectTimeout(request.getConnectTimeout()); final String range = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "bytes=%d-", request.getDownloadedBytes()); connection.addRequestProperty(Constants.RANGE, range); connection.addRequestProperty(Constants.USER_AGENT, request.getUserAgent()); addHeaders(request); connection.setHostnameVerifier(new EvilHostnameVerifier()); connection.connect(); }
Then add the custom HttpClient when initialize PRDownloader.
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| class MyApplication : Application() {
private fun setupPrDownloadManger() { val config = PRDownloaderConfig.newBuilder() .setHttpClient(EvilHttpClient()) .setDatabaseEnabled(true) .setReadTimeout(30000) .setConnectTimeout(30000) .build() PRDownloader.initialize(applicationContext, config) } }
There you go, no more “Hostname was not verified”